Do you have heartburn while on the Keto Diet. Causes, Tips & Tricks

On Keto, heartburn can be a big pain, and you're always worried about what you're going to eat and how it'll effect your digestion.
If you're on keto and have heartburn, here's what you need to know to put an end to it once and for all!
- What causes heartburn on the Keto diet?
- What foods should you stay away from?
- What can you do to relieve heartburn while on the Keto diet?
I used to suffer heartburn on a daily basis before going keto, and I could never pinpoint what was causing it (other than pre-mixed alcohol, which was always a guarantee).
Heartburn on Keto might be aggravating because you're eating healthier than you were before, but you're still having the same old digestive troubles, or it's even new to you.
What is Keto Heartburn?
Heartburn is a frequent condition in which stomach acids are driven back up into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation in the lower chest.
It can be excruciatingly painful and inconvenient, particularly at night when you're attempting to sleep.
When you initially start on keto, your body goes through a healing process, which can be difficult at times.
However, for many people, heartburn intensifies during the first few weeks of Keto before gradually subsiding.
Many folks thank their lucky stars when they realize they haven't had heartburn in weeks while on Keto.
What are the most prevalent causes of Keto heartburn?
Heartburn can be caused by a variety of factors, and a change in your diet, such as going keto, might aggravate it. Because your digestive system becomes accustomed to the way you eat over time, making a drastic adjustment can have some negative consequences at first.
The following are some of the foods that have been related to heartburn:
On Keto, heartburn is a typical complaint, but you don't have to put up with it! Take a look at these common reasons of heartburn and how to get rid of it for good.
- Alcohol
- Caffeine
- Ibuprofen and aspirin
- Carbonated drinks, particularly sweet ones
- Tomatoes, oranges, and pineapple juices are acidic foods and juices.
- Chocolate is a delicious treat.
- Smoking
- Food based on grains
Heartburn can also be caused by the following factors:
- Smoking
- Intestinal bacterial overgrowth
- a lack of iron
- Pregnancy
- Obesity, which can lead to increased abdominal pressure.
- Stomach ulcers, hernias, and esophageal disorders are among the underlying concerns.
What are some strategies to deal with heartburn while your body adjusts to the keto diet?
There are a few things you may do to relieve heartburn, and the success depends on what's causing it in the first place.
Heartburn sufferers on the keto diet have found relief in the following methods:
- Acidic foods, such as tomatoes, should be avoided.
- Probiotics are beneficial for balancing bacterial problems in the gut.
- Antacids over the counter, such as Tums or Mylanta (check the carbs, but if it's only a few and you can stay on keto, go for it)
- Apple Cider Vinegar is a vinegar made from apples.
- Kombucha, kefir, and sauerkraut are examples of fermented foods.
- Supplements containing magnesium and zinc
- Try going dairy-free for a few days to see if it helps.
- Chia seed puddings, particularly those made with coconut milk
- Increasing the amount of salt in your diet
- A teaspoon of bicarb soda in a little amount of water, quickly consumed
Most individuals discover that if they've had heartburn for a long time, it gets worse in the first week or two, then settles down and goes away completely.
Try keeping a meal diary in My Fitness Pal and noting the days that you get heartburn.
This will assist you in determining which foods on the keto diet may have caused your heartburn.
Begin with a very basic diet and gradually add different items to watch how your body responds.
Where can I find the best Keto Diet Pills?
There are many high quality Keto Diet Pill brands out there but our favorite is Research Labs Keto Fuel. There are currently offering a buy one get one free promo with the same ingredients and quality as the ridiculously priced brands.
Check out the best Keto Fuel here!